Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box
Monster Boosted
46% EXP | 48% LOOT

Contentbox headline
extreme black knight voltar

Experiência: 10500
Velocidade: 400
Vida: 7600

Summonable: false
Convinceable: false

Armor: 25
Defense: 30

Offensive and Defensive
Nome Parametros
Melee Attacks approximately every 2 seconds.

Summons and Voices
Summons Voices
This monster can't summon anyone. "MINE!"
"By Bolg's Blood!"
"You're no match for me!"

Elements and Immunities
Immunities: Fire | Paralyze | Invisible |

Items drop
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance
Bag 1 100% Halberd 1 36%
Spear 1 80% Battle Hammer 1 28%
Steel Helmet 1 40% Knight Armor 1 3.2%
Dark Armor 1 5.71% Dark Helmet 1 26.66%

Items drop - In bag
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance
Rope 1 100% Ruby Necklace 1 8%
Gold Coin 15 100% Boots Of Haste 1 5.55%
Two Handed Sword 1 28.57% Double Axe 1 66.66%
Dragon Lance 1 9.09% Knight Axe 1 13.33%
Plate Armor 1 25% Warrior Helmet 1 20%
Knight Legs 1 10% Brass Legs 1 100%
Brown Bread 2 100%