Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box
Monster Boosted
46% EXP | 48% LOOT

Contentbox headline
arachnophobica voltar

Experiência: 4700
Velocidade: 400
Vida: 5000

Summonable: false
Convinceable: false

Armor: 70
Defense: 0

Offensive and Defensive
Nome Parametros
Melee Attacks approximately every 2 seconds.
Spell Deals approximately 360 damage per turn.
Healing Recovers approximately 260 health per turn.

Summons and Voices
Summons Voices
This monster can't summon anyone. "Tip tap tip tap!"

Elements and Immunities
Immunities: Invisible | Paralyze |

Items drop
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance
Flowers 2 10.4% Dirt Floor 2 10.4%
Muddy Floor 2 10.4% Dirt Wall 2 10.4%
Trapdoor 2 10.4% Stone Wall 2 10.4%
Stalagmites 2 10.4% Stalagmites 2 10.4%
Trapdoor 2 10.4% Stairs 2 10.4%
Stone Tile 2 10.4% Sandstone Floor 2 10.4%
Stone Tile 2 10.4% Stairs 2 10.4%
Wooden Floor 2 10.4% Wooden Floor 2 10.4%
Wooden Floor 2 10.4% Time Tile 2 10.4%
Hole 2 10.4% Ramp 2 10.4%
Hole 2 10.4% Ramp 2 10.4%
Lava 2 10.4% Tar 2 10.4%
Sandstone Floor 2 10.4% Mountain 2 10.4%
Rocks 2 10.4% Mountain 2 10.4%
Archway 2 10.4% Mountain 2 10.4%
Flat Roof 2 10.4% Tiled Roof 2 10.4%
Wooden Roof 2 10.4% Chess Board 2 10.4%
Mill Board 2 10.4% Tic-tac-toe Board 2 10.4%
Brick Wall 2 10.4% Framework Wall 2 10.4%
Stone Wall 2 10.4% Sandstone Wall 2 10.4%
Sandstone Roof 2 10.4% Broken Wall 2 10.4%
Metal Wall 2 10.4% Metal Wall 2 10.4%
Sandstone Wall 2 10.4% White Stone Wall 2 10.4%
Archway 2 10.4% Ornamented Wall 2 10.4%
Wall Fountain 2 10.4% Archway 2 10.4%
Ornamented Wall 2 10.4% Paravent 2 10.4%
Ornamented Wall 2 10.4% Wall Fountain 2 10.4%
Lava Wall 2 10.4% Archway 2 10.4%
Closed Door 2 10.4% Buttress 2 10.4%
Framework Window 2 10.4% Brick Window 2 10.4%
Stone Window 2 10.4% White Stone Wall Window 2 10.4%
Sandstone Window 2 10.4% Sail 2 10.4%
Rudder Of The Boat 2 10.4% Stone 2 10.4%
Stone 2 10.4% Stone 2 10.4%
Fountain 2 10.4% Water Basin 2 10.4%
Draw Well 2 10.4% Marble Fountain 2 10.4%
Mill 2 10.4% Gravestone 2 10.4%
Stone Coffin 2 10.4% Buried Coffin 2 10.4%
Campfire 2 10.4% Campfire 2 10.4%
Campfire 2 10.4% Sign 2 10.4%
Street Sign 2 10.4% Sign 2 10.4%
Gargoyle Statue 2 10.4% Pedestal 2 10.4%
Cobra Statue 2 10.4% Cobra Statue 2 10.4%
Street Lamp 2 10.4% Coal Basin 2 10.4%
Wooden Railing 2 10.4% Stone Railing 2 10.4%
Fence 2 10.4% Fence 2 10.4%
Sandstone Railing 2 10.4% Sandstone 2 10.4%
White Stone Railing 2 10.4% Metal Railing 2 10.4%
Big Table 2 10.4% Counter 2 10.4%
Counter 2 10.4% Table 2 10.4%
Table 2 10.4% Table 2 10.4%
Altar Stone 2 10.4% Throne 2 10.4%
Throne 2 10.4% Bench 2 10.4%
Sofa 2 10.4% Wardrobe 2 10.4%
Bookcase 2 10.4% Wooden Coffin 2 10.4%
Big Wine Cask 2 10.4% Oven 2 10.4%
Red Carpet 2 10.4% Oriental Carpet 2 10.4%
Tapestry 2 10.4% Mirror 2 10.4%
Banner 2 10.4% Painting 2 10.4%
Picture 2 10.4% Wall Mirror 2 10.4%
Wall Mirror 2 10.4% Wall Mirror 2 10.4%
Picture 2 10.4% Purple Tapestry 2 10.4%
Green Tapestry 2 10.4% Yellow Tapestry 2 10.4%
Orange Tapestry 2 10.4% Red Tapestry 2 10.4%
Blue Tapestry 2 10.4% Cuckoo Clock 2 10.4%
White Tapestry 2 10.4% Demon Trophy 2 10.4%
Wolf Trophy 2 10.4% Orc Trophy 2 10.4%
Behemnot Trophy 2 10.4% Deer Trophy 2 10.4%
Cyclops Trophy 2 10.4% Dragon Trophy 2 10.4%
Lion Trophy 2 10.4% Minotaur Trophy 2 10.4%
Bloodspot 2 10.4% Cobwebs 2 10.4%
Flowery Wall 2 10.4% Mossy Wall 2 10.4%
Mossy Wall 2 10.4% Mossy Wall 2 10.4%
Switch 2 10.4% Book 2 10.4%
Book 2 10.4% Book 2 10.4%
Book 2 10.4% Table Lamp 2 10.4%
Wall Lamp 2 10.4% Bird Cage 2 10.4%
Pumpkinhead 2 10.4% Rubbish 2 10.4%
Rubbish 2 10.4% Skull 2 10.4%
Wooden Trash 2 10.4% Metal Trash 2 10.4%
Spell Rune 2 10.4% Spell Rune 2 10.4%
Bowl 2 10.4% Locker 2 10.4%
Coal Basin 2 10.4% Altar 2 10.4%
Sacrifical Stone 2 10.4% Altar 2 10.4%
Sacrifical Stone 2 10.4% Dead Tree 2 10.4%
Dead Tree 2 10.4% Cactus 2 10.4%
Cactus 2 10.4% Water Lily 2 10.4%
Rose Bush 2 10.4% Swamp Plant 2 10.4%
Mushrooms 2 10.4% Slain Ghoul 2 10.4%
Dead Minotaur 2 10.4% Dead Minotaur 2 10.4%
Dead Minotaur 2 10.4% Dead Cyclops 2 10.4%
Dead Human 2 10.4% Dead Dog 2 10.4%
Dead Dragon 2 10.4% Ladder 2 10.4%
Wooden Floor 2 10.4% Stone Floor 2 10.4%
Strange Carving 2 10.4% Strange Carving 2 10.4%
Ornamented Floor 2 10.4% Ornamented Floor 2 10.4%
Strange Carving 2 10.4% Stone Roof 2 10.4%
Strange Carving 2 10.4% Strange Carving 2 10.4%
Wooden Tile 2 10.4% Stone Stairway 2 10.4%
Stone Roof 2 10.4% Wooden Roof 2 10.4%
Stone Roof 2 10.4% Wooden Flooring 2 10.4%
Ground 2 10.4% Jungle Grass 2 10.4%
Ant Trail 2 10.4% Rock 2 10.4%
Wooden Roof 2 10.4% Stone Wall 2 10.4%
Bamboo Wall 2 10.4% Stone Archway 2 10.4%
Bamboo Wall 2 10.4% Bamboo Wall 2 10.4%
Stone Wall 2 10.4% Stone Wall 2 10.4%
Stone Wall 2 10.4% Stone Archway 2 10.4%
Stone Wall 2 10.4% Grass Wall 2 10.4%
Grass Wall 2 10.4% Grass Archway 2 10.4%
Liane 2 10.4% Palisade 2 10.4%
Stone Wall 2 10.4% Waterfall 2 10.4%
Small Boat 2 10.4% Sail 2 10.4%
Paddle 2 10.4% Boat 2 10.4%
Stone 2 10.4% Stones 2 10.4%
Stone 2 10.4% Mossy Stone 2 10.4%
Stone 2 10.4% Large Cauldron 2 10.4%
Statue 2 10.4% Dried Well 2 10.4%
Poison Well 2 10.4% Statue 2 10.4%
Huntress Statue 2 10.4% Lantern 2 10.4%
Bamboo Fence 2 10.4% Bridge 2 10.4%
Bridge 2 10.4% Stone Wall 2 10.4%
Bamboo Wall 2 10.4% Statue 2 10.4%
Bookcase 2 10.4% Bamboo Shelf 2 10.4%
Bookcase 2 10.4% Bookcase 2 10.4%
Grass 2 10.4% Hay 2 10.4%
Bear Skin Rug 2 10.4% Hung Cloak 2 10.4%
Cloth Wall 2 10.4% Fishing Net 2 10.4%
Big Footprint 2 10.4% Cloth Wall 2 10.4%
Tiger Skin 2 10.4% Cup 2 10.4%
Garbage 2 10.4% Crane 2 10.4%
Thorn Bush 2 10.4% Bush 2 10.4%
Plant 2 10.4% Jungle Umbrella 2 10.4%
Bamboo Plant 2 10.4% Tree 2 10.4%
Tree Stump 2 10.4% Skinny Branch 2 10.4%
Wild Vines 2 10.4% Liana 2 10.4%
Tree 2 10.4% Titans Orchid 2 10.4%
Weeds 2 10.4% Meadow Star 2 10.4%
Dew Kisser Flowers 2 10.4% Velvet Petal 2 10.4%
Pearl Flower 2 10.4% Mushrooms 2 10.4%
Moldy Mushroom 2 10.4% Mushrooms 2 10.4%
Log 2 10.4% Vine 2 10.4%
Jungle Maw 2 10.4% Log 2 10.4%
Tree Stump 2 10.4% Branch 2 10.4%
Log Covered In Moss 2 10.4% Red Carpet 2 10.4%
Rocks 2 10.4% Rocks 2 10.4%
Mountain 2 10.4% Rocks 2 10.4%
Grass 2 10.4% Rocks 2 10.4%
Rocks 2 10.4% Grass 2 10.4%
Rocks 2 10.4% Shallow Water 2 10.4%
Shallow Water 2 10.4% Shallow Water 2 10.4%
Shallow Water 2 10.4% Shallow Water 2 10.4%
Dirt 2 10.4% Swamp 2 10.4%
Swamp 2 10.4% Snow 2 10.4%
Swamp 2 10.4% Sand 2 10.4%
Grass 2 10.4% Dirt 2 10.4%
Shallow Water 2 10.4% Mountain 2 10.4%
Shallow Water 2 10.4% Dirt 2 10.4%
Stairs 2 10.4% Botanist's Container 2 10.4%
Swamp 2 10.4% Ship 2 10.4%
Ship Cabin Wall 2 10.4% Ship Cabin Wall 2 10.4%
Ship Railing 2 10.4% Mast 2 10.4%
Sail 2 10.4% Steering Wheel 2 10.4%
Rudder Blade 2 10.4% Mast 2 10.4%
Hawser 2 10.4% Cleat 2 10.4%
Exotic Butterfly 2 10.4% Hawser 2 10.4%
Ship Cabin Wall 2 10.4% Ornamented Wall 2 10.4%
Lava Wall 2 10.4% Skull 2 10.4%
Skulls 2 10.4% Burning Skull 2 10.4%
Magic Forcefield 2 10.4% Wooden Lamp 2 10.4%
Flat Roof 2 10.4% Stone Monkey 2 10.4%
Stone Cobra Head 2 10.4% Lava Wall 2 10.4%
Electric Sparks 2 10.4% Electric Iron Bars 2 10.4%
Lava Fountain 2 10.4% Stony Pond 2 10.4%
Furniture Package 2 10.4% Palm 2 10.4%
Framework Wall 2 10.4% Mango Tree 2 10.4%
Striped Marquee 2 10.4% Marquee 2 10.4%
Wooden Railing 2 10.4% Window 2 10.4%
Wooden Wall 2 10.4% Wooden Wall Window 2 10.4%
Wooden Plank 2 10.4% White Stone Wall Window 2 10.4%
White Stone Railing 2 10.4% White Stone Railing 2 10.4%
Wooden Railing 2 10.4% Wooden Pillar 2 10.4%
Sign 2 10.4% Tree 2 10.4%
Plant 2 10.4% Window 2 10.4%
Bamboo Lamp 2 10.4% Shallow Water 2 10.4%
Rocks 2 10.4% Coral Reef 2 10.4%
Bubbles 2 10.4% Coral Reef 2 10.4%
Water Wheel 2 10.4% Shallow Water 2 10.4%
Steering Wheel 2 10.4% Damaged Mast 2 10.4%
Damaged Mast 2 10.4% Damaged Ship Cabin 2 10.4%
Damaged Ship Railing 2 10.4% Damaged Ship 2 10.4%
Distillery 2 10.4% Chain Ball 2 10.4%
Torture Locker 2 10.4% Pillory 2 10.4%
Stone Wall 2 10.4% Little Scope 2 10.4%
Wall Chain Cuffs 2 10.4% Straw Mat 2 10.4%
Pulley 2 10.4% Stone Wall 2 10.4%
Cart 2 10.4% Sugar Cane 2 10.4%
Hay 2 10.4% Mossy Wall 2 10.4%
Small Branches 2 10.4% Slimy Wall 2 10.4%
Blue Carpet 2 10.4% Green Carpet 2 10.4%
Brown Carpet 2 10.4% Swords 2 10.4%
Catapult 2 10.4% Pirate Tapestry 2 10.4%
Pirate Emblem 2 10.4% Rubble 2 10.4%
Dirt Wall 2 10.4% Stone Wall 2 10.4%
Dirt Wall 2 10.4% Stone Wall 2 10.4%
Map 2 10.4% Water Source 2 10.4%
Pirate Statue 2 10.4% Treasure Chest 2 10.4%
Shells 2 10.4% Ballista 2 10.4%
Shark 2 10.4% Rocks 2 10.4%
Ground 2 10.4% Fountain 2 10.4%
Wooden Flooring 2 10.4% Rocks 2 10.4%
Turtle 2 10.4% Drawbridge 2 10.4%
Metal Fittings 2 10.4% Marksman Target 2 10.4%
Arrow 2 10.4% Target 2 10.4%
Stuck Axe 2 10.4% Dice 2 10.4%
Skull Candle 2 10.4% Melting Ground 2 10.4%
Gravel 2 10.4% Melting Ground 2 10.4%
Weapon Rack 2 10.4% Lance 2 10.4%
Weapon Rack 2 10.4% Scimitar 2 10.4%
Armour Rack 2 10.4% Rocks 2 10.4%
Swamp Source 2 10.4% Large Throne 2 10.4%
Waterhose 2 10.4% Dead Human 2 10.4%
Electric Sparks 2 10.4% Sign 2 10.4%
Hole 2 10.4% Tree Wall 2 10.4%
Tree Wall 2 10.4% Roof 2 10.4%
Grass 2 10.4% Hole 2 10.4%
Tree Archway 2 10.4% Window 2 10.4%
Tree 2 10.4% Branch 2 10.4%
Bamboo Roof 2 10.4% Grass 2 10.4%
Branches 2 10.4% Flower 2 10.4%
Branch 2 10.4% Plant Archway 2 10.4%
Plant Wall 2 10.4% Plant Wall 2 10.4%
Leaves 2 10.4% Branches 2 10.4%
Brick Wall 2 10.4% Cracks 2 10.4%
Lava Wall 2 10.4% Cracks 2 10.4%
Death Ring 1 30.01% Debris 2 10.4%
Bone Wall 2 10.4% Bone Archway 2 10.4%
Bone Window 2 10.4% Bone Wall 2 10.4%
Tree 2 10.4% Branch 2 10.4%
Framework Window 2 10.4% Framework Window 2 10.4%
Brick Window 2 10.4% Brick Window 2 10.4%
Stone Window 2 10.4% Stone Window 2 10.4%
Marble Window 2 10.4% Tree Window 2 10.4%
Tree Window 2 10.4% Sandstone Window 2 10.4%
Sandstone Window 2 10.4% Bamboo Window 2 10.4%
Bamboo Window 2 10.4% Sandstone Window 2 10.4%
Sandstone Window 2 10.4% Stone Window 2 10.4%
Stone Window 2 10.4% Wooden Window 2 10.4%
Wooden Window 2 10.4% Planks 2 10.4%
Debris 2 10.4% Christmas Branch 2 10.4%
Red Christmas Garland 2 10.4% Christmas Garland 2 10.4%
Christmas Garland 2 10.4% Skeleton Decoration 2 10.4%
Tic-tac-toe Token 2 10.4% Roof 2 10.4%
Surprise Bag 2 10.4% Snow 2 10.4%
Snow 2 10.4% Snow 2 10.4%
Snow 2 10.4% Shallow Water 2 10.4%
Ice 2 10.4% Shallow Water 2 10.4%
Ice 2 10.4% Icy Mountain 2 10.4%
Ice Wall 2 10.4% Frozen Wall 2 10.4%
Igloo 2 10.4% Snow 2 10.4%
Frozen Wall 2 10.4% Ice Archway 2 10.4%
Ice Wall 2 10.4% Fur Wall 2 10.4%
Fur Wall 2 10.4% Fur Wall Window 2 10.4%
Fur Wall Window 2 10.4% Barbarian Banner 2 10.4%
Fur 2 10.4% Snow 2 10.4%
Wooden Wall 2 10.4% Wooden Wall 2 10.4%
Stone Base 2 10.4% Stone Base 2 10.4%
Stone Base 2 10.4% Stone Base 2 10.4%
Ice 2 10.4% Archway 2 10.4%
Strut 2 10.4% Tusks 2 10.4%
Hole 2 10.4% Ice 2 10.4%
Snow 2 10.4% Ice 2 10.4%
Ice Railing 2 10.4% Wooden Railing 2 10.4%
Mammoth Skull 2 10.4% Mammoth Skull 2 10.4%
Mammoth Fur 2 10.4% Rope 2 10.4%
Fish 2 10.4% Wooden Dragon 2 10.4%
Wooden Bull 2 10.4% Wooden Yeti 2 10.4%
Wooden Decoration 2 10.4% Snowy Stone 2 10.4%
Snowy Dead Tree 2 10.4% Nordic Wall Window 2 10.4%
Nordic Wall Window 2 10.4% Ice Wall Window 2 10.4%
Ice Wall Window 2 10.4% Ice Archway 2 10.4%
Ice Archway 2 10.4% Frozen Mud 2 10.4%
Wooden Railing 2 10.4% Dirt Wall 2 10.4%
Water Gazer 2 10.4% Ice 2 10.4%
Rail 2 10.4% Cart 2 10.4%
Emergency Bumper 2 10.4% Bloodspot 2 10.4%
Wooden Archway 2 10.4% Ice 2 10.4%
Frozen Chest 2 10.4% Frozen Chair 2 10.4%
Frozen Pendulum Clock 2 10.4% Frozen Trough 2 10.4%
Snowman 2 10.4% Baby Seal Doll 2 10.4%
Some Crack 2 10.4% Raft 2 10.4%
Raft 2 10.4% Raft 2 10.4%
Ship Rudder 2 10.4% Figurehead 2 10.4%
Spikes 2 10.4% Shield 2 10.4%
Shield 2 10.4% Jug 2 10.4%
Case 2 10.4% Roof 2 10.4%
Sled 2 10.4% Husky 2 10.4%
Stone Table 2 10.4% Stone Throne 2 10.4%
Ice Wall 2 10.4% Ice Wall 2 10.4%
Ice Wall 2 10.4% Ice Wall 2 10.4%
Ice Wall 2 10.4% Frozen Human 2 10.4%
Fire 2 10.4% Ice Cream Cone 2 10.4%
Searing Fire 2 10.4% Sarcophagus 2 10.4%
Crate 2 10.4% Paper 2 10.4%
Fire Shrine 2 10.4% Ice Shrine 2 10.4%
Energy Shrine 2 10.4% Earth Shrine 2 10.4%
Coffin 2 10.4% Coffin 2 10.4%
Parchment 2 10.4% Spider's Web 2 10.4%
Spider's Web 2 10.4% Human Cocoon 2 10.4%
Coffin 2 10.4% Empty Coffin 2 10.4%
Buoy Line 2 10.4% Vase 2 10.4%
Tent 2 10.4% Rock Ground 2 10.4%
Grass 2 10.4% Grass 2 10.4%
Grass 2 10.4% Gravel 2 10.4%
Flower Bowl 2 10.4% Flower Bowl 2 10.4%
Paper 2 10.4% Grass 2 10.4%
Beach Chair 2 10.4% Parasol 2 10.4%
Astronomical Map 2 10.4% Ground 2 10.4%
Paper 2 10.4% Fiery Archway 2 10.4%
Machine 2 10.4% Picture 2 10.4%
Shallow Water 2 10.4% Earth 2 10.4%
Sparkling Gems 2 10.4% Earth 2 10.4%
Bone 2 10.4% Flowery Wall 2 10.4%
Earth 2 10.4% Rifty Earth 2 10.4%
Rifty Earth 2 10.4% Sand 2 10.4%
Earth 2 10.4% Earth 2 10.4%
Earth 2 10.4% Earth 2 10.4%
Cave Entrance 2 10.4% Cave Entrance 2 10.4%
Dragon Head 2 10.4% Jagged Stones 2 10.4%
Archway 2 10.4% Hole 2 10.4%
Piece Of Broken Amulet 2 10.4% Trapdoor 2 10.4%
Stairs 2 10.4% Demon Oak 2 10.4%
Stone Wall 2 10.4% Sand Dune 2 10.4%
Sand Dune 2 10.4% Dried Grass 2 10.4%
Sand 2 10.4% Dried Grass 2 10.4%
Earth 2 10.4% Earth 2 10.4%
Tunnel Entrance 2 10.4% Skeletal Remains 2 10.4%
Sand 2 10.4% Knight Statue 2 10.4%
Brown Pavement 2 10.4% Earth 2 10.4%
Cracked Earth 2 10.4% Earth 2 10.4%
Earth 2 10.4% Stone Wall 2 10.4%
Decorated Stone Wall 2 10.4% Gem 2 10.4%
Buttress 2 10.4% Stone Pillar 2 10.4%
Closed Door 2 10.4% Closed Door 2 10.4%
Stairs 2 10.4% Skeletal Remains 2 10.4%
Mill 2 10.4% Brick Wall 2 10.4%
Dwarven Statue 2 10.4% Dwarven Statue 2 10.4%
Mining Stone 2 10.4% Crystal 2 10.4%
Crucible 2 10.4% Mould 2 10.4%
Steaming Hot Lava 2 10.4% Bellow 2 10.4%
Steaming Hot Lava 2 10.4% Muzzle 2 10.4%
Tool Parts 2 10.4% Furnace 2 10.4%
Wagon 2 10.4% Wagon 2 10.4%
Covered Wagon 2 10.4% Covered Wagon Handle 2 10.4%
Pile Of Rocks 2 10.4% Bundle Of Logs 2 10.4%
Pile Of Rubble 2 10.4% Demon Oak 2 10.4%
Sorcerer Statue 2 10.4% Statue 2 10.4%
Caged Wagon 2 10.4% Damaged Tree 2 10.4%
Damaged Palm Tree 2 10.4% Dead Tree 2 10.4%
2 10.4% Sparkling Gems 2 10.4%
Sorcerer Statue 2 10.4% Guardian Statue 2 10.4%
2 10.4% 2 10.4%
2 10.4% 2 10.4%
Oracle Figurine 2 10.4% 2 10.4%
Dwarven Contraption 2 10.4% Large Blackboard 2 10.4%
Dead Tree 2 10.4% Dirt 2 10.4%
Earth 2 10.4% Grass 2 10.4%
Wooden Wall 2 10.4% Frozen Mud 2 10.4%
Stone Wall 2 10.4% Stone Wall 2 10.4%
Stone Wall 2 10.4% White Marble Floor 2 10.4%
Archway 2 10.4% Closed Door 2 10.4%
Closed Door 2 10.4% Stone Wall 2 10.4%
Iron Floor 2 10.4% Wooden Floor 2 10.4%
Sun Clock 2 10.4% Vampire Bride Statue 2 10.4%
Golden Ornament 2 10.4% Copper Pipes 2 10.4%
Closed Door 2 10.4% Closed Door 2 10.4%
Golden Ornament 2 10.4% Archway 2 10.4%
Slime 2 10.4% Golden Ornament 2 10.4%
Copper Pipes 2 10.4% Copper Wheel 2 10.4%
Boiler 2 10.4% Copper Pipe 2 10.4%
Golden Ornament 2 10.4% Stone Railing 2 10.4%
Small Tower 2 10.4% Stone Wall 2 10.4%
Stone Pile 2 10.4% Tapestry 2 10.4%
Heavy Wooden Chair 2 10.4% Tapestry 2 10.4%
Gate 2 10.4% Large Gem 2 10.4%
Small Gems 2 10.4% Wooden Floor 2 10.4%
Street Lamp 2 10.4% Large Well 2 10.4%
Statue 2 10.4% Burnt Wall 2 10.4%
Small Window 2 10.4% Lit Wall Lamp 2 10.4%
Statue 2 10.4% Roof 2 10.4%
Street Lamp 2 10.4% Wall Lamp 2 10.4%
Rusty Armor 2 10.4% Rusty Legs 2 10.4%
Lever 2 10.4% Velvet Tapestry 2 10.4%
Dracoyle Statue 2 10.4% Dracoyle Statue 2 10.4%
Bellow 2 10.4% Crucible 2 10.4%
Limestone Wall 2 10.4% Broken Limestone Wall 2 10.4%
Limestone Railing 2 10.4% Stone Wall 2 10.4%
Stone Wall 2 10.4% Limestone Pillar 2 10.4%
Limestone Wall 2 10.4% Limestone Wall 2 10.4%
Limestone Pedestal 2 10.4% Framework Wall 2 10.4%
Stone Wall 2 10.4% Framework Window 2 10.4%
Framework Window 2 10.4% Roof 2 10.4%
Pillar 2 10.4% Statue 2 10.4%
Statue Of Fafnar 2 10.4% Goddess Statue 2 10.4%
Sun Emblem 2 10.4% Pavement 2 10.4%
Wooden Floor 2 10.4% Pavement 2 10.4%
Carlin Shield 2 10.4% Serpent Shield 2 10.4%
Stone Ledge 2 10.4% Stone Pedestal 2 10.4%
Sand 2 10.4% Limestone Window 2 10.4%
Limestone Window 2 10.4% Limestone Window 2 10.4%
Pavement 2 10.4% Squeezing Gear Of Girlpower 2 10.4%
Sneaky Stabber Of Eliteness 2 10.4% Whacking Driller Of Fate 2 10.4%
Window 2 10.4% Dragon Statue 2 10.4%
Dragon Throne 2 10.4% Black Floor 2 10.4%

Items drop - In bag
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance