Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box
Monster Boosted
40% EXP | 11% LOOT

Contentbox headline
Gore Horn voltar

Experiência: 12595
Velocidade: 800
Vida: 20620

Summonable: false
Convinceable: false

Armor: 50
Defense: 50

Offensive and Defensive
Nome Parametros
Melee Attacks approximately every 2 seconds.
Spell Deals approximately 93 damage per turn.
Healing Recovers approximately 100 health per turn.

Summons and Voices
Summons Voices
This monster can't summon anyone. "Queime nas profundezas do inferno!"
"Humano insolente!"
"O fogo profano arder� sua alma!"

Elements and Immunities
Immunities: Fire | Lifedrain | Paralyze | Invisible |

Items drop
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance
Crystal Coin 2 40% Thunder Hammer 1 4%
Golden Armor 1 4% Golden Legs 1 4%
Magic Plate Armor 1 4% Knight Armor 1 4%
Knight Legs 1 4% Dragon Scale Mail 1 4%
Royal Helmet 1 4% Mastermind Shield 1 4%
Demon Shield 1 4%

Items drop - In bag
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance